Spike Jonze Talks Kanye’s “We Were Once A Fairytale” Short Film

October 23rd, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Gershoff/WireImage
Anticipation for Kanye West’s collaboration with Where the Wild Things Are director and music video visionary Spike Jonze was so intense, even West himself couldn’t help but post the pair’s short film We Were Once a Fairytale when he got his hands on it a few days ago. The only problem: the clip wasn’t finished yet, and the version circulating on the Web was a leak.

“I think he was like, ‘Oh, it’s out. I’ll link to it,’ ” Jonze, who previously helmed West’s awesome “Flashing Lights” video, told the New York Times‘ Arts Beat (West yanked the video from his blog). The 12-minute tale of loneliness and isolation centers around West’s 808’s & Heartbreak song “See You In My Nightmares” and was supposed to (and will still) be distributed through iTunes.

See Jonze’s Wild Things evolve from illustrations to the big screen.

Jonze and West shot Fairytale over two days at West Hollywood club Foxtail. “We rehearsed the night before we shot, and talked about trying to get to that raw place, that sad, pathetic, drunken, lost place,” Jonze said. “I told him, the more shameless it is, the more pathetic it is, the better. He just went for it.”

In the first half of the video, West is seen partying in the club, and when “See You in My Nightmares” plays over the speakers, Kanye brags that he “wrote this song.” Drunken sexcapades ensue in the second half, and the next morning, when Kanye goes to the bathroom, he vomits a wave of rose petals, then commits seppuku, reaching into his wound and producing a small demon rodent (think a really, really tiny Wild Thing) that he sits atop a sink. Then, with a miniature knife, the little Muppet itself commits seppuku. And then the film ends....

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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